Archive for the ‘books’ Category

Women Who Run with the Wolves

August 1, 2008

This was a book that was very popular a long time ago, all about female identity and breaking free of culturally imposed “shoulds and should nots” and living from, and for, our souls. Its written by a Jungian therapist.  For some reason I just could never get into the written version, try as I might. Now, years later, I’m doing audio books as I commute to work and I’m listening to her narrate the book.

Its wonderful!!!! She talks about myth and fairy tales and what they really say about women and it is just so thought provoking and inspiring. Her voice is enchanting and I can’t recommend it enough.

Enjoy your day!

If I Were Lost on Lost…

March 8, 2008

I think this so often when I watch that tv show… I think about what I would miss most if I dropped from the sky to an island with none of my belongings, none of my things.. . I would not miss my telephone. At all. I hate talking on the phone, which actually has cost me some friendships, but that’s another post for another day…. I would not miss my tv ( even though, ironically enough, I’m writing about a tv show premise ). My computer? Well, some. I prefer this communication medium. But mostly I would miss it so I could order books…whenever I want them…dropped to the island like they’re dropped into my mailbox… I honestly feel like I would go stark raving mad without them. I would be so bored! I was so happy for Sawyer when he got his glasses so he could read.  If I have a book with me I can deal with having to wait anywhere, at any time.Books to me are like candy to Hurley.  Also I would need my books to help me fall asleep at night….But then again, most of all I would need my meds delivered to the island so I could stay alive long enough to read all my book air drops….What would you need?

Finally a helpful book on constructing the novel

February 29, 2008

So far I can’t recommend enough the Writers Digest book “Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook”. Its goal, though not stated as such, is to provide texture to your fiction. It already has  helped me to think of my protagonist in ways I hadn’t thought of before, by asking excellent questions and “making” me do exercises around these questions. I don’t have any affiliate status or anything else, just want to help other writers here. Take a look!

Book Review: Fibromyalgia

February 20, 2008

Just passing along a book review I read which sounds good. I hope it helps someone.  Here is the link:

Book Review: First Year Fibromyalgia: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed 

Book Review: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter

February 12, 2008

I don’t have time right now to do a nice review, though book reviews are my intention as this blog grows and flowers…But I do love reading novels, and thought I would start with The Memory Keepker’s Daughter by Kim Edwards.  Its about a doctor who delivers his own twins, a boy and a girl, during a housebound snowstorm.  When he sees that the girl has Down’s syndrome, he asks his nurse to take the baby away to an institution (his own defining moment)….unbeknownst to his wife. Instead, the nurse disappears to an unknown city and raises the child as her own.  I found it to be psychologically gripping and so  memorable that when the book ended I kept wanting to find out how the characters were doing for days afterward!

Delusions About Love

February 1, 2008
  • Infatuation equals love
  • If it isn’t perfect it wasn’t meant to be
  • Once love dies you can never  get it back
  • Chemistry is all that matters
  • There is one true soul mate for everyone
  • Love conquers all
  • If a relationship is tough, it means you have the wrong partner
  • You can’t rekindle passion
  • If you’re really in love you won’t be attracted to other people
  • If you meet the right person you will live happily ever after

This comes from The Truth About Love by Pat Love, Ed.D – What do you think?